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Produces diagnostic plots on the result of an mlmc.test function call.


# S3 method for class 'mlmc.test'
plot(x, which = "all", cols = NA, ...)



an mlmc.test object as produced by a call to the mlmc.test function.


a vector of strings specifying which plots to produce, or "all" to do all diagnostic plots The options are:

"var" = \(\log_2\) of variance against level;
"mean" = \(\log_2\) of the absolute value of the mean against level;
"consis" = consistency against level;
"kurt" = kurtosis against level;
"Nl" = \(\log_2\) of number of samples against level;
"cost" = \(\log_{10}\) of cost against \(\log_{10}\) of epsilon (accuracy).

the number of columns across to plot to override the default value.


additional arguments which are passed on to plotting functions.


No return value, called for side effects.


Most of the plots produced are relatively self-explanatory. However, the consistency and kurtosis plots in particular may require some background. It is highly recommended to refer to Section 3.3 of Giles (2015), where the rationale for these diagnostic plots is addressed in full detail.


Giles, M.B. (2015) 'Multilevel Monte Carlo methods', Acta Numerica, 24, pp. 259–328. Available at: doi:10.1017/S096249291500001X .


Louis Aslett <>


# \donttest{
tst <- mlmc.test(opre_l, N = 2000000,
                 L = 5, N0 = 1000,
                 eps.v = c(0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1),
                 Lmin = 2, Lmax = 6,
                 option = 1)
#> **********************************************************
#> *** Convergence tests, kurtosis, telescoping sum check ***
#> *** using N = 2e+06 samples                            ***
#> **********************************************************
#>  l   ave(Pf-Pc)    ave(Pf)   var(Pf-Pc)    var(Pf)    kurtosis      check       cost
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>  0   1.0202e+01  1.0202e+01  1.6129e+02  1.6129e+02  0.0000e+00  0.0000e+00  1.0000e+00 
#>  1   2.1014e-01  1.0417e+01  4.4552e+00  2.0129e+02  1.9673e+01  8.0284e-02  4.0000e+00 
#>  2   2.8422e-02  1.0428e+01  1.0613e+00  2.1264e+02  1.1720e+01  2.7044e-01  1.6000e+01 
#>  3   5.9586e-03  1.0423e+01  2.7188e-01  2.1507e+02  7.5254e+00  1.7456e-01  6.4000e+01 
#>  4   1.4902e-03  1.0437e+01  6.8853e-02  2.1588e+02  6.2866e+00  2.0275e-01  2.5600e+02 
#>  5   3.2438e-04  1.0467e+01  1.7287e-02  2.1681e+02  5.9238e+00  4.6968e-01  1.0240e+03 
#> ******************************************************
#> *** Linear regression estimates of MLMC parameters ***
#> ******************************************************
#>  alpha = 2.293234  (exponent for MLMC weak convergence)
#>  beta  = 1.996557  (exponent for MLMC variance) 
#>  gamma = 2.000000  (exponent for MLMC cost) 
#> ***************************** 
#> *** MLMC complexity tests *** 
#> ***************************** 
#>   eps      value    mlmc_cost   std_cost  savings     N_l 
#> ----------------------------------------------------------- 
#> 0.0050  1.0445e+01  3.387e+07  7.341e+08    21.67  17049661   1419280    346601     87520
#> 0.0100  1.0451e+01  8.457e+06  1.835e+08    21.70   4262024    352482     86700     21841
#> 0.0200  1.0462e+01  2.141e+06  4.588e+07    21.43   1072807     89338     22072      5588
#> 0.0500  1.0496e+01  2.471e+05  1.815e+06     7.34    149418     12491      2983
#> 0.1000  1.0467e+01  6.762e+04  4.536e+05     6.71     38372      3313      1000
#> **********************************************************
#> *** Convergence tests, kurtosis, telescoping sum check ***
#> *** using N = 2e+06 samples                            ***
#> **********************************************************
#>  l   ave(Pf-Pc)    ave(Pf)   var(Pf-Pc)    var(Pf)    kurtosis      check       cost
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>  0   1.0202e+01  1.0202e+01  1.6129e+02  1.6129e+02  0.0000e+00  0.0000e+00  1.0000e+00 
#>  1   2.1014e-01  1.0417e+01  4.4552e+00  2.0129e+02  1.9673e+01  8.0284e-02  4.0000e+00 
#>  2   2.8422e-02  1.0428e+01  1.0613e+00  2.1264e+02  1.1720e+01  2.7044e-01  1.6000e+01 
#>  3   5.9586e-03  1.0423e+01  2.7188e-01  2.1507e+02  7.5254e+00  1.7456e-01  6.4000e+01 
#>  4   1.4902e-03  1.0437e+01  6.8853e-02  2.1588e+02  6.2866e+00  2.0275e-01  2.5600e+02 
#>  5   3.2438e-04  1.0467e+01  1.7287e-02  2.1681e+02  5.9238e+00  4.6968e-01  1.0240e+03 
#> ******************************************************
#> *** Linear regression estimates of MLMC parameters ***
#> ******************************************************
#>  alpha = 2.293234  (exponent for MLMC weak convergence)
#>  beta  = 1.996557  (exponent for MLMC variance) 
#>  gamma = 2.000000  (exponent for MLMC cost) 
#> ***************************** 
#> *** MLMC complexity tests *** 
#> ***************************** 
#>   eps      value    mlmc_cost   std_cost  savings     N_l 
#> ----------------------------------------------------------- 
#> 0.0050  1.0445e+01  3.387e+07  7.341e+08    21.67  17049661   1419280    346601     87520
#> 0.0100  1.0451e+01  8.457e+06  1.835e+08    21.70   4262024    352482     86700     21841
#> 0.0200  1.0462e+01  2.141e+06  4.588e+07    21.43   1072807     89338     22072      5588
#> 0.0500  1.0496e+01  2.471e+05  1.815e+06     7.34    149418     12491      2983
#> 0.1000  1.0467e+01  6.762e+04  4.536e+05     6.71     38372      3313      1000

# }